<<display either(".Fantasy",".ScienceFiction",".Ninja",".Horror")>>\n\n
Shadows, climbable surfaces, breakable walls, traps galore, this is the ninja environment!\n\n[[Neato!]]
The enemy is science fiction. This means you have to face aliens of all types, and even the occasional spaceship (shrunken down of course, but it still packs a punch).\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>>Watch out. The first couple turns these guys will have you confused! Friggin sci fi vs. fantasy. Will you ever learn? <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Ah, so we have two science fictioners duking it out. This means both sides get a little extra to spend on abilities in the science fiction category.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>>Sci fi peeps are a lot faster than you horror types, so watch out for that. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> Sci fi guys are pretty aware, so be more stealthy than usual, you ninjas!" <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Neato!")>> Science fictioners usually have lights on their equipment, so the shadows that would normally be in a ninja environment don't work the way they would with other monsters.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Booop")>> Science fictioners in a science fiction land. I'd stay away from teleporters...you may get overrun by enemies who just happen to have stats boosted by 2. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Aaaaaand?")>>Horror environments have traps that will do double damage to Sci fi enemies, so that's nice. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Go on")>> Fantasy environments distract science fiction enemies. They become less aware, so you may be able to sneak better.<<endif>>
<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>>You are definitely not used to all this technology. Fantasy characters dont gel well with sci fi. Accuracy falls by 5%. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> You are in your element. Teleportation isn't random for science fiction heroes. You get to pick exactly where you want to go.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Horror characters feel okay in space. Aliens tear apart ships, parasites eat through stomachs...this is pretty nice. No boosts but no detrimental effects either.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> Ninjas don't like teleportation. There is a chance to be teleported directly into a wall...instant death, so watch out.<<endif>>\n\n[[Get that next dreamer in the enemy slot!]]
You see a greenish looking ghost in front of you. Its face is just a mushy blobby mess of eyes and mouths, so you have no idea which teammate of yours it is.\n\nYou decide to put it in your hero slot.\n\n[[See what interest dominates!]]\n
You have an already dripping machete. We are talking 15-20 damage here. Also, don't let this thing stop dripping. The longer you go without a kill, the weaker this weapon becomes.\n\n[[Murder your abilities]]\n[[Drench the next ghost in blood]]
Welcome to space, cadet. This is the science fiction environment. We've got black holes, teleportation, and burning suns.\n\n[[Booop]]
<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> Your eyes adjust so quickly, that the flickering light effects you in no way whatsoever. Ninjas rule<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Horror character in a horror setting....those enemies wont stand a chance. All your stats go up, and you can see the hidden passageways in the walls. Wanna look out through the eyeholes in some creepy art? Go for it.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Science fiction heroes like the open spaces of....space. Cramped horror houses lower stats, but lakes and cornfields boost stats <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Being a fantasy player, you're used to ghosts and the supernatural. Confidence is key. You start off really confident. Stats go up, but as you take damage, the world begins to look more grim, and your stats go down.<<endif>>\n\n[[Get that next dreamer in the enemy slot!]]
Your sidekick is a horror type. This one happens to be a ghost He wont last very long (probably going to hide in an attic or something) so use him wisely. Also, if you don't kill anybody for seven turns, he will turn on you...so yeah watch out. Also, and I'm sorry to say it, you will most likely be intimidated. I know, I know, intimidated by your own sidekick. Crazy, right?\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> But wait... there can't be two horror types! Whatever you do, don't summon him. You two will have to immediately duke it out. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Since you are a fantasy aficionado, you are used to all this magic stuff. Ghosts, hauntings, even super serial killers, you know how to get on their good side. This ghost will last a couple turns longer for you, but shoot, you are still intimidated for the first five turns. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Since you are a science fiction hero, that means you can experiment on the monster sidekick! Right now, unfortunately, you don't have the level requirement or the ability...but something to look forward to, yeah? It will make him even stronger! <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>But you are a ninja. Years of training have prevented you from losing your cool in the face of horror. No way is this guy ever going to intimidate you.<<endif>>\n\nScary stuff [[Go see the next dreamer!]]
The only enemies here are Ninjas. There color determines what they can do, so learn it quick or you are toast.\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Fantasy heroes are usually slow and heavy, so most of these ninjas will be yellow (the speediest type) to compensate.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>>Since science fiction heroes are super aware of their surroundings, most of these ninjas will be black (the stealthiest type). <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Horror heroes bring em all out. Every ninja of every color type! <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>Every color type will be present when its ninja vs ninja, and you will either receive a stat bonus or a couple extra ability points to spend...the option you dont receive goes to the enemy!<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Go on")>> Ninjas aren't effected by Fantasy environments<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Aaaaaand?")>> Ninjas aren't effected by Horror environments<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Booop")>>Science fiction environments are one of the only places in which ninja enemies lose focus. Weightlessness screws up their muscle memory, and their attacks go down along with their critical damage. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Neato!")>>In ninja environments, ninjas can hear through the breakable walls. Be careful if you are standing near one! <<endif>>
<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Being a child of fantasy, you fit right in here. You will know the magical effects of each well before you even take a drink!<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> As a science fiction genius, you find yourself a little confused by all this magical mumbo jumbo that surrounds you. Each well you drink from will have half the effect, bad or good <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Being a master of horror like you are, you're not really a fan of all the optimism here. Heroes save the day and all that. There are no real effect...you just get pissed<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> \nYou are a ninja. You gain extra stealth in the swamps even though there is light (hiding under water, ya dig?) <<endif>>\n\n[[Get that next dreamer in the enemy slot!]]
You have the ability to go invisible for five turns. This will help you get out of nearly any situation. Use it wisely, though. Its cooldown is huge. Once you gain more levels and treasure, you will be able to assign tons more abilities. For now, deal with your lack, puny human.\n\n[[Master your inventory]]\n\n[[Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner]]
RAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRR!!!!! Your hero is of the horror persuasion! Hockey masks! Machetes! BLOOOOOOD!\n\nOn a serious note, this means you are slow as hell. You basically walk to your victims. On the plus side, you are strong. Like really strong, and any enemy who sees you will automatically be intimidated for three turns...unless they are just as badass as you.\n\n[[Tear through your inventory]]\n\n[[Murder your abilities]]\n\n[[Drench the next ghost in blood]]
Shoot dang! You got a horror environment. Things are gonna get weird. Flickering lights, falling picture frames. Watch out!\n\n[[Aaaaaand?]]
This is nice. You have the ability to come back from the dead. When you die, you will regain one HP. Use it wisely.\n\nAside from this, as you gain levels and treasure, you will be able to assign a bunch of abilities and items to yourself. This is only the beginning!\n\n[[Tear through your inventory]]\n[[Drench the next ghost in blood]]
You have the sudden urge to find a shadow and nunchuck somebody's brain! You are now a ninja. Don't let it go to your head, though. These guys are quick, sneaky, and crit like crazy, but you have really low HP. Also, through tons of training, you can't get intimidated.\n\n[[Master your inventory]]\n\n[[Sneak through your abilities]]\n\n[[Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner]]
<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>>Fantasy players aren't affected by anything in the ninja's land....that's truly...magical<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Science Fiction players aren't affected by anything in the ninja's land <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>>There are no benefits of being a horror player in a ninja land, so quit asking.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>The sad thing about the ninja environment is that it doesnt even effect ninjas :( <<endif>>\n\n[[Get that next dreamer in the enemy slot!]]
This one is blue. Assign it to your sidekick slot and [[See what interest comes through]]
Beep boop beep. Looks like you are a science fiction hero! These guys prefer ranged weaponry like blasters, but they are pretty good when they get up close with a light sword...yeah that's right. You can't say lightsaber in games for copyright reasons...oh...shit...\n\n[[Download the coordinates of your inventory]]\n[[Travel at lightspeed toward your abilities]]\n[[Gravitate toward the next dreamer]]
You have gained an alien companion! First of all, these guys illuminate the map like crazy. Also, they die easily, but when they do, a smaller version of them sprout off the corpse. They will do less damage than their predecessor, but they will be much quicker.\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Since you are a horror dude, these guys may get intimidated. The original, being the biggest and baddest, wont be, but the second and third version of them have an increasingly greater chance.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>>Since you are a fantasy character, you assume these guys are too...science is magic if you dont understand it, right...or however that quote goes. You try to get buddy buddy with it, and what do you know? It works. The alien gets one extra version of itself when the third one dies. It will be super speedy, but whimpy. Just nice to have some company, eh? <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> There is no real detriment to having an alien companion as a ninja. It will be harder to find shadows because of all the light they produce, but I believe in you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>>Being a science fiction man yourself, you study these creatures in depth as they are helping you. Each successive time you summon them, they will have slightly higher stats because of your selective breeding techniques. <<endif>>\n\nBeep Boop Beep Boop [[Go see the next dreamer!]]
Looks like you have num chucks...nunchucks...however you say it. \n\n[[Sneak through your abilities]]\n\n[[Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner]]
A fantasy environment! Get ready for swampy marshes, dark dungeons, huge castles, and magical wells!\n\n[[Go on]]
Uh oh. Horror may be one of the hardest enemy types. Masters of intimidation, they roam the halls and devour anybody that passes. Watch out for the ones with claws...oh...they all have claws!\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Even though you are one of the strongest, sturdiest types of characters, the fantasy type, don't let your guard down. You will be intimidated for 3 turns every time a new enemy is in sight. Best to back off a while and wait until you calm back down. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Uh, yeah, so science fiction types aren't exactly sturdy--mind or body. The intimidation lasts for seven turns every time a new monster is spotted. Just keep your distance. I told you you were good at ranged stuff anyway. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>>You'd think since you are a horror type, this would be okay...well, every enemy has your scent, and they are attracted to you. Luckily you don't get intimidated by them, so just...you know...smash. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>This is where you have the advantage. Ninjas aren't intimidated by puny horror types. Plus, they get confused at your lack of fear. Their accuracy lowers for three turns. Be quick about it.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Aaaaaand?")>>Also, you're in real trouble because they are in their own environment. They may sneak out of the walls. Not only that, but all of their stats have increased by two...good luck. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Neato!")>> Horror types aren't affected by the ninja environment, so you're lucky there. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Booop")>> Science fiction environments can be scary. Monster stats increase by one! <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Go on")>> Fantasy environments are on your side in this battle. Monsters will try to drink from the wells, and every time they do, they will get bad results. Try luring them toward them! <<endif>>
I was right. Looks like you have a blaster cannon that will do 8-10 damage. This thing fires quick, though, so don't underestimate it. You can also equip one to your off-hand if you find one. \n\n[[Travel at lightspeed toward your abilities]]\n[[Gravitate toward the next dreamer]]
<<display either("Fantasy","ScienceFiction","Ninja","Horror")>>\n\n\n\n
This one is blue. Assign it to your sidekick slot.[[See what interest comes through]]
This one is kinda yellowish...and sick looking. \n\n[[Assign it to your Environment slot!]]
Club Lucid-Randomization and Interaction Experience
As of right now, you can only use the "Swing" ability. Once you level up your interests and find treasure, new abilities will become available!\n\n[[Checketh your inventory]]\n\n[[Poketh the nearest dreamer]]
<<display either("*Fantasy","*Science Fiction","*Ninja","*Horror")>>
Your sidekick is an apprentice ninja. They are damage dealers, and will often try to get behind the enemy. If there is any climbable terrain, you better believe they will be up there...friggin monkeys, they are.\n\n<<if visited ("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>Since you are a ninja as well, there is a 50/50 chance you will get along. If you do, then both of your stealth skills will improve, and your crits will do an added 20% damage. If you don't get along, well, its not the end of the world. She wont try to kill you or anything, you will just part ways...and maybe she will destroy some baddies for you on her way out. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Since you are a hero of fantasy, there is a mutual respect with the ninja sidekick. She knows you could kick her ass and you know she could kick yours...but she does want to impress you, so she may try extra hard if you're lucky. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Naturally curious, the ninja lets you clone her, thus making two very powerful ninjas that last half as long.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Because you are a horror being, you try to intimidate the ninja. You dont really want to because you know that intimidating sidekicks is a terrible idea, but damnit, you cant help it. Since the ninja isn't scared away, you two become wonderful friends. The first friend you have had in your entire life. All of your stats increase by 1 when the ninja is out.<<endif>>\n\nHiya! [[Go see the next dreamer!]]
Teleportation! Get behind or away from your enemies. Too cool, man. Plus, this is just the beginning. Once you find more treasure and level up, you will have a ton of stuff to choose from.\n\n[[Download the coordinates of your inventory]]\n[[Gravitate toward the next dreamer]]
This one is blue. Assign it to your sidekick slot.[[See what interest comes through]]
Beautiful. Your sidekick is a fairy, which is mainly used for healing purposes.\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>> Since you are a fantasy hero yourself, you know how to deal with these creatures. There is a natural bond between you, so they will heal you even more than usual <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>> Unfortunately, being a person of science you don't actually believe in these fairy spirits. Therefore, they wont heal you as well...out of spite. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Being the mighty death machine that you are, you actually scare the crap out of this poor little fairy. Every time she goes to heal you, there is a chance she will panic and damage you instead. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>> Fairies are observant beings indeed. She watches you, ninja master, and she learns from you. After ten turns, she will gain a huge increase in speed and be able to dodge attacks nearly better than you!<<endif>>\n\n[[Go see the next dreamer!]]
This one is blue. Assign it to your sidekick slot.[[See what interest comes through]]
Prepare yourself. The enemy is fantasy. That means dragons, fairies, walking trees, demon knights, giant rats, and so many other things.\n\n<<if visited("Poketh the nearest dreamer")>>Two fantasy beings dueling to the death. Good vs. Evil. As you know, evil always has the upper hand at first. They will start off with higher health and defense. As your health gets lower, your defense goes up, along with your attack.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Gravitate toward the next dreamer")>>At first, you will be distracted, but as you study these beings more and more, this goes away. Each floor, you become less distracted and more capable. Your defense eventually goes up when you figure out how to fight these people. <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Drench the next ghost in blood")>> Horror types don't really get any bonuses, but hey, these guys are really scared of you. Intimidation to the max!<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Poke the next dreamer in a ninja-like manner")>>Ninjas aren't affected by fantasy types, but the enemy is unaffected as well<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Go on")>> Fantasy enemy in a fantasy environment. Since they know the land, their speed greatly improves, and any well they drink from gives them good effects.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Aaaaaand?")>> Fantasy enemies in a horror environment eh? Their speed goes down cause they are so scared. HA! <<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Booop")>> Fantasy enemies in a science fiction environment. They are permanently confused. Do it to it!<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited ("Neato!")>> Fantasy enemies in a ninja environment. No real effects on these guys. Deal with it. <<endif>>
Ah, you have the Mace of Fire Dragon Spitfire...sounds fierce, eh? You have armor slots too, but as of right now, you are in some puny leather. Try to find some beefy stuff, yeah?\n\n[[Assigneth your abilities]]\n\n[[Poketh the nearest dreamer]]
You feel wonderful, like you could break out into song! Quick! Where is your lute? Never mind, your hero is now a <<print either("Knight", "Dragon", "King")>>.\n\nThey come built with the "swing" attack, which spins in a circle and hits any foe within a tile of you. Also, you are a sturdy son of a gun.\n\n[[Checketh your inventory]]\n[[Assigneth your abilities]]\n[[Poketh the nearest dreamer]]
Drew Fitzgerald
<<display either("-Fantasy","-Science Fiction","-Ninja","-Horror")>>